All services are provided by appointment or during established drop-in times.
Call (323) 294-9333
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5906 7th Avenue, Suite 2* Los Angeles, CA. 90043

DVBE) Service Agency #54820
Honor Our Veterans and Military Families for the Ultimate Sacrifice
'Brother Bob Gilles'

'Brother Percy Brown'

A Tribute to A Veteran for Outstanding Service both on and off the 'Battle Field'
Brother Elmer G. "Geronimo" Pratt
1947 - 2011
A Real Hero

Kwamme Anderson, Ph.D., Office of Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30)
Michael T. Ashley Office ofCorrine Brown (FL-03)
Dr. Donna Holland Bames, Suicidologist, Howard University Hospital
Nancy Berson, Congressional Fellow, Office of Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-I5)
Dr. Lorraine Blackman, Indiana University, School of Social Work, Indianapolis, IN
Robert 'Big Bob' Blackwell, Sergeant-at-Arms, CBC Veterans Braintrust
Maj. Alfred Boone, USA, Military Legislative Assistant, Office ofHon. Sanford Bishop, Jr. (GA-02)
BGen. (Ret.) Bob Cocroft, National Commander, National Association for Black Veterans (NAB V)
Dr. James Daley, Indiana University, School of Social Work, Indianapolis, IN
Cynthia Dawkins, Social Science Advisor, Women's Bureau, Department of Labor (DOL)
Diane Elmore, Ph.D., Acting Assoc. Executive Director, Government Relation Office, PID (APA)
Wendy Featherson, Legislative Assistant, Office of Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-I5)
Lee Footer, Senior Legislative Assistant, Office ofCorrine Brown (FL-03)
Actor Louis Gossett, Jr., Executive Producer, For Love of Liberty
Jonathan Halpern, Legislative Director, Office of Sanford Bishop, Jr. (GA-02)
Attorney Edna Wells Handy, Esq., The Mike Handy Veterans Fund
State Senator Ed Harbison, Columbus, GA
Thomas Harris, Former Team Leader, Indianapolis Vet Center
Anthony 'Tony' Hawkins, National Coordinator, Congressional Black Caucus Veterans Braintrust
Norm Hill, President, Cracker Barrel Foundation
Roshan Hodge, Director, Special Programs, Office ofCorrine Brown (FL-03)
Julian Johnson, Office of Sanford Bishop, Jr. (GA.02)
Ruben 'Sugar Bear' Johnson, Member, Congressional Black Caucus Veterans Braintrust
Talib Karim, Esq., Subcommittee on Disability Assistance & Memorial Affairs (HCV A)
Hannah Kim, Deputy Press Secretary, Office of Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-I5)
Guileine Kraft, Ph.D., LGSW, Research Associate, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences (HU)
Fred Kuwornu, ProducerlDirector, Inside Buffalo
Cannella LaSpada, Executive Director, White House Commission on Remembrance
Dr. William Lawson, MD, Ph.D., Chairman, Department of Psychiatry & Behavorial Sciences (HU)
Frank Martin, Producer, Co-Writer & Director, For Love of Liberty
Frederic Maurin, Legislative Fellow, Office ofHon. Charles Rangel (NY-I5)
Starcie McAferty, Staff Assistant, Office ofHon. Gwen Moore (Wl-04)
Chaplain Michael McCoy, President, Military Chaplains of USA
Shari E. Miles-Cohen, Ph.D., Senior Director, Women's Programs Office (APA)
Patti Miller, Vice President Public Policy, Sesame Workshop
Emile Milne, Press Secretary/Legislative Director, Office of Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-I5)
Lt. Gen. Carol Mutter, USMC, Ret., Former Chair, Department of Defense (DACOWITS)
Tom Nastick, Public Program Producer/Theatre Manager, The Center for the National Archives
Dawn N uoffer, Chief of Staff, Center for Veterans Issues
Eyang Nyambi, Legislative Assistant, Office ofHon. Gwen Moore (WI-04).
Barbara Pittman, Veterans Benefits Special Assistant, Office of the Mayor (OVA), Washington, DC
Reba Rafaelli, Legislative Fellow, Office ofHon. Charles Rangel (D-NY)
Steven Redmon, Special Assistant to General Counsel, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)
Kristen Rice-Jones, Staff Assistant, Office ofHon. Charles Rangel (NY-I5)
Jonathan 'Jon' Sheiner, General Counsel, Office of Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-I 5)
Dr. Frank Smith, Jr., Founder & President, African American Civil War Memorial & Museum
Dr. Eleanor' Vicki' Williams, College Park, GA
Carmen Wilson II, Former DirectorlDeputy Director, Indiana Department of Veterans Services
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