The Veterans Service Outreach Program-VSOP is an Outpatient of the Positive Imagery Foundation, Inc.
Phone: 323.294.9300
Founder and Pres/CEO Address: 5906 7th Avenue, Suite 2 * LA/CA 90043
Email: dr.
Dr. Ronald Beavers of the Positive Imagery Foundation a community–based program was born in Los Angeles, California. He joined the Los Angeles Veterans Resource Center April 14, 1997 serving the combat veteran, and their families from Vietnam and other armed conflicts for (10) Years. After the
Persian gulf Operation Desert Storm and Shield, now Operation Iraq Freedom there has
arise a critical need for direct community-based services to these veterans and their
families that has overwhelmed the VA service care system. The Veteran Service Outreach Program-VSOP was created to fulfill part of this need.
Dr. Beavers’ received in S’ 1998 graduated from La Salle University, M.S. Counseling Psychology, Suma cum Laude, and S’ 2001 La Salle University, Ph.D. Counseling Psychology, Magna Sum Laude.
February 2008 License Certification Proficiency Program-LCPP from the Association of Black Psychologist-ABPsi.
1993 Certified in Parenting, by National Parenting Instructors Associations;
Certified as Trainer of Trainers for State of California Chemical Dependency;
Certified Counselors for Alcohol and Drugs. CADAC
Professional Member of the Association of Black Psychologist. ABPsi
Certified HIV/AIDS pre and post test counseling and HIV/STD Technical Assistant,
1994 Certified by Association of Black Psychologist/Center for Substance Abuse and Treatment CSAT: for Technical Assistance TOT, Prevention and Behavior Modification.
1998 Certified facilitator Anger Management (Domestic Violence)